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    Funeral bouquet heart

    Looking for a symbolic tribute to a loved one? A heart funeral bouquet is a unique, loving gift. The funeral bouquet in the shape of a heart is a gesture that expresses love, compassion and comfort. With a heart as a funeral bouquet you create a beautiful farewell.


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    Funeral bouquet Heart

    A heart-shaped funeral bouquet is a stylish and personal bouquet that directly expresses the love felt for the deceased. It symbolizes love and affection. Losing a loved one is an intensely traumatic event. Beautiful flowers can provide a lot of comfort during the grieving process.

    It is not without reason that Longlife roses are increasingly finding a place in funeral bouquets in the shape of hearts. They offer the bereaved a feeling of love, respect and comfort for a long time. The Longlife roses can be kept for several years. They keep their beautiful colours and shape. They also do not require any care. Make your funeral bouquet heart entirely according to your own wishes with colours that match the loved one. For example, choose the colour that suits him or her best.

    Would you like to order a funeral bouquet heart?

    Your Longlife roses for a heart-shaped funeral bouquet are ideal as a tribute during a funeral or commemoration. You can easily order them in any colour and quantity in our webshop. We will prepare your Longlife roses for shipping with the utmost care. If you opt for standard delivery, we recommend ordering in good time to avoid disappointment.

    It is always possible that your order will be delayed by the post. Do you want to be assured that your Longlife roses for the heart funeral bouquet are in the right place at the right time? Then choose our Rose Surprise Service . One of our delivery people will personally deliver the roses for the heart funeral bouquet at the time, date and location of your choice. We are happy to help you create a beautiful, memorable and loving farewell or commemoration for your loved one. Custom funeral bouquet? Then contact us.